2024 Mandalas of the Month

I’m changing things up with the MotM for 2024–this year it will be joined with the Mandalas of the Week where they’ll both be part of “A Journey into Joy”, my theme for 2024.

With all the anxiety and stress in the world right now, focusing on joy may seem a bit counterintuitive. Mais contraire mes amis. We actually need more joy in our lives…now more than ever. 

My quest throughout this year is to explore, experience, and express this state in a variety of ways using mandalas, including doing a variation of the hero’s journey, as professed by Jospeh Campbell.

Each month I’ll create and post a new mandala for coloring where we’ll take another step along the “journey into joy”. Included in each step will be a description of the step with prompts for coloring and/or journaling throughout the month. As always, the MotM is free to download.

Every Monday I’ll do another coloring of the MotM and post it on the Mandala of the Week. As part of this journey, I plan to go deeper into each area of my life as it relates to that month’s “step” along with sharing my progress. 

I invite you to join me on this journey
because the “joy” is in the “journey

Joyfully, Maureen

The Mandala Lady
inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

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